
Buch – Cloud Security and Privacy: An Enterprise Perspective on Risks and Compliance

Titel: Cloud Security and Privacy: An Enterprise Perspective on Risks and Compliance

Autor: Tim Mather, Subra Kumaraswamy, Shahed Latif

“You may regard cloud computing as an ideal way for your company to control IT costs, but do you know how private and secure this service really is? Not many people do. With Cloud Security and Privacy, you’ll learn what’s at stake when you trust your data to the cloud, and what you can do to keep your virtual infrastructure and web applications secure.

Ideal for IT staffers, information security and privacy practitioners, business managers, service providers, and investors alike, this book offers you sound advice from three well-known authorities in the tech security world. You’ll learn detailed information on cloud computing security that-until now-has been sorely lacking.

– Review the current state of data security and storage in the cloud, including confidentiality, integrity, and availability
-Learn about the identity and access management (IAM) practice for authentication, authorization, and auditing of the users accessing cloud services
– Discover which security management frameworks and standards are relevant for the cloud
– Understand the privacy aspects you need to consider in the cloud, including how they compare with traditional computing models
– Learn the importance of audit and compliance functions within the cloud, and the various standards and frameworks to consider
– Examine security delivered as a service-a different facet of cloud security”

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By Rene Buest

Rene Buest is Gartner Analyst covering Infrastructure Services & Digital Operations. Prior to that he was Director of Technology Research at Arago, Senior Analyst and Cloud Practice Lead at Crisp Research, Principal Analyst at New Age Disruption and member of the worldwide Gigaom Research Analyst Network. Rene is considered as top cloud computing analyst in Germany and one of the worldwide top analysts in this area. In addition, he is one of the world’s top cloud computing influencers and belongs to the top 100 cloud computing experts on Twitter and Google+. Since the mid-90s he is focused on the strategic use of information technology in businesses and the IT impact on our society as well as disruptive technologies.

Rene Buest is the author of numerous professional technology articles. He regularly writes for well-known IT publications like Computerwoche, CIO Magazin, LANline as well as and is cited in German and international media – including New York Times, Forbes Magazin, Handelsblatt, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Wirtschaftswoche, Computerwoche, CIO, Manager Magazin and Harvard Business Manager. Furthermore Rene Buest is speaker and participant of experts rounds. He is founder of and writes about cloud computing, IT infrastructure, technologies, management and strategies. He holds a diploma in computer engineering from the Hochschule Bremen (Dipl.-Informatiker (FH)) as well as a M.Sc. in IT-Management and Information Systems from the FHDW Paderborn.

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