The maturing public cloud infrastructure gains increasing importance as an attractive alternative to on-premise enterprise IT infrastructure. Public cloud infrastructure offer an abundance of possibilities to CIOs when it comes to operating existing infrastructure and application environments more flexibly and at a lower cost. However, the existing public cloud storage services have been developed with a focus on the new generation of applications. This is why they are less well prepared to run existing enterprise applications. At present, the requisite storage concepts, standards and technologies for use of legacy enterprise applications on public cloud infrastructure are still not available. In order to ensure the continued existence as well as the proper operations of conventional application architectures on public cloud infrastructures, it is necessary to transfer the established and widespread standards into the public cloud. As legacy applications still constitute the lion‘s share of potential cloud migration candidates for new types of cloud native applications, well-known storage concepts are required to ensure the migration of existing applications without modifications to a public cloud infrastructure, where they continue to be operated.
In the strategy paper “Cloud Data Fabric”, Crisp Research analyses and explains the different enterprise storage options in the cloud and illustrates how to establish storage management with public cloud infrastructure.
The strategy paper can be downloaded free of charge under “Cloud Data Fabric – Enterprise Storage Services in the Cloud“.