When companies thinking about Cloud Computing they are always faced with topics like security and data privacy. Their fear and the risk is to high to suffer from data loss or that trespassers get access to the business critical data. The way into the public cloud is therefore increasingly weighed. The swedish company Witsbits comes up with a new concept I would call “Private Cloud Management-as-a-Service”. Quasi the swedish solution to face Cloud Computing.
The idea is relatively easy to understand. Using a bootable USB-stick or CD-ROM – with a Witsbit cloud-key stored on it – the administrator is preparing the physical servers on which the virtual machines (KVM) will be hosted afterwards. Based on the cloud-key the servers automatically connect to the Witsbits Management Platform. From here the administrator can manage the private cloud in the own data center/ server room using a centralized and web based surface.
The target group of this solution are small and medium-sized enterprises. Whereby I see a huge potential for systems houses and consultants, which are going to offer their customers a private cloud (flexibilization of existing local resources) or just want to manage the servers remote.
For the establishment no installation is required whereby the start-up can be done relatively quick. At the moment, Witsbits offers two different billing options: Free and Premium. The option “Free” is, like the name means, free. However, the use is limited to 8 GB of VRAM (The maximum total amount of Virtual Machine primary memory (RAM) under management at any given time.). The option “premium” costs $ 3 per month per 1 GB of VRAM, where there is no limit to the VRAM.