Companies are faced with new technologies like Twitter or Facebook where customers are able to ask something or to give an advice or just want a feedback in realtime and in public. Companies which have a Twitter and/or Facebook account must use it actively and do not just count followers or likes. If a customer have a question using Social Media technologies the company needs to answer instead of doing nothing.
For the customer service for example Twitter and Facebook means, that the customer is waiting for a quick and of course high quality response. That means that the company needs to establish or add Social Media teams into its complaint management and the whole customer service.
There is also a need for integrating the companies Facebook wall and the Twitter mentions into the customer service systems, too. But not just systems are important. Also the whole company needs to understand the meaning of Social Media for the customer service. Companies which have a bad customer service do not fix any problem by using Social Media. Social Media means to interact with each other and the customer incl. Q&A sessions.
Image sources:, bayintegratedmarketing