
Entwarnung: Windows Azure Compute rollt wieder rund

Kurz nachdem ich den Post zu Windows Azure Compute Problemen in den Regionen “South Central US” und “West Europe” veröffentlicht hatte, zeigte das Azure Statusboard wieder alle Status ohne Probleme an (Häckchen ganz links).

Windows Azure Compute rollt wieder rund


Windows Azure Compute in "South Central US" und "West Europe" mit Problemen

Zwar ist davon bisher nichts auf Twitter oder sonstigen Medien zu lesen, aber Windows Azure Compute zeigt aktuell Auffälligkeiten bei der Verfügbarkeit in “South Central US” und “West Europe”. Zudem weiß ich aus einer sehr sicheren Quelle das mindestens ein Unternehmen, dass seinen Service auf Azure Compute betreibt, Probleme hat. Die Webseiten sind nicht erreichbar. Es verwundert hier allerdings ein wenig, dass das Unternehmen hierzu keine Statusmeldung im Social Web geschrieben hat.

Windows Azure Compute in

Das Statusboard berichtet bereits seit dem “20-Nov-12, 9:00 PM UTC” von Problemen mit der Verfügbarkeit von Windows Azure Compute in den Regionen “South Central US” und “West Europe”. Im Detail schreibt Microsoft über das “Partial impact to Service management” für beide Regionen:

20-Nov-12, 9:00 PM UTC

We are experiencing an issue with Compute Service Management in West US, South Central US, North Europe and West Europe sub-regions. We are actively investigating this issue and working to resolve it as soon as possible. Further updates will be published to keep you apprised of the situation. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our customers.

20-Nov-12, 10:00 PM UTC

We are gathering all the data required to identify the root cause and resolve the issue as soon as possible. Further updates will be published to keep you apprised of the situation. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our customers.

20-Nov-12, 11:00 PM UTC

Service Management is still partially impacted for existing and new hosted service deployments in West US, South Central US, North Europe and West Europe sub-regions. Customers may experience failures with Create, Delete and Update operations. Further updates will be published to keep you apprised of the situation. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our customers.

21-Nov-12, 12:00 AM UTC

The incident has been mitigated for new hosted service deployments in the sub-regions. Customers with hosted services already deployed in these sub-regions may still experience service management failures or timeouts. Further updates will be published to keep you apprised of the situation. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our customers.

21-Nov-12, 1:00 AM UTC

We identified the root cause and are executing the repair steps. The steps will be executed on multiple nodes of the impacted clusters and this will take several hours. Further updates will be published after the recovery is complete. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our customers.