Nach den Enthüllungen um PRISM habe ich eine kleine anonyme Umfrage gestartet, um zu sehen, wie es mit dem aktuellen Vertrauen in die Cloud bestellt ist und wie sich der Skandal auf das persönliche Verhältnis zur Cloud verändert hat.
Die Fragen
- How is your current trust in the cloud in general?
- How is your current trust in the cloud provider of your choice?
- How does the PRISM uncoverings influence your trust in the cloud?
- Is your current cloud provider one of the accused?
- How does the PRISM uncoverings influence your trust in the cloud provider of your choice?
- Did you already think about to leave the cloud e.g. your cloud provider due to the PRISM uncoverings?
- How important is the unconditional openness of your provider in times of PRISM and surveillance?
- Do you think a 100% end-to-end encryption without any access and other opportunities of third parties can strengthen the trust?
- In your mind which world region is the safest/ trustworthiest to store data in?
Um an der Umfrage teilzunehmen bitte hier entlang:
Your trust in the Cloud! – After the PRISM uncoverings how is your trust in the cloud?