
CloudCamp Frankfurt 2013 – Here we go!

On 29th October CloudCamp Frankfurt 2013 takes place as part of the SNW Europe. This year we focus on the leading theme “Cloud First! – Is cloud the new normal?” and expect as in 2012 a range of participants. Besides ProfitBricks CMO Andreas Gauger also CloudCamp co-founder and Citrix new Chief Cloud Advocate Reuven Cohen will give a talk.

Cloud First! – Is cloud the new normal?

Talking with providers and depending on the numbers of market researcher this question is quite easy to answer – YES! However, this must be proved with significant uses cases and facts. Furthermore not only the status quo will be discussed, but also controversial issues which should exactly call this current status into question and show where we need to go in the future to map cloud computing and its impacts optimal on the enterprise IT.

To that end we already can announce some attractive speaker.

Confirmed speaker

  • Reuven Cohen, Chief Cloud Advocate Citrix, Co-Founder CloudCamp (@ruv)
  • Chris Boos, CEO arago AG (@boosc)
  • René Buest, Analyst New Age Disruption, Analyst GigaOM Research (@renebuest)
  • Mark Masterson, Troublemaker CSC Financial Services EMEA (@mastermark)
  • Hendrik Andreas Reese, TÜV Rheinland i-sec GmbH
  • Steffen Krause, Cloud & Database Evangelist Amazon Web Services (@sk_bln)
  • Andreas Gauger, ProfitBricks (@gaugi)
  • Thomas King, audriga (@thking)
  • Moderation: Roland Judas, Technical Evangelist arago AG (@rolandjudas)

Registration and further information

The registration for CloudCamp Frankfurt 2013 is as always free of charge. In addition each CloudCamp participant can also attend “SNW Europe – Powering the Cloud” for free.

The CloudCamp Frankfurt 2013 registration can be found under The registration for SNW Europe we initiate afterwards.


  • CloudCamp Frankfurt 2013
    Within “SNW Europe – Powering the Cloud”
  • Wenn: 29. Oktober 2013, Frankfurt
  • Time: 16:00 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr
  • Where: Congress Frankfurt, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main

CloudCamp Frankfurt 2013: Call for Papers opened

On 29th October the CloudCamp Frankfurt 2013 takes place as part of the SNW Europe. With the leading theme “Cloud First! – Is cloud the new normal?” we expect to see many participants again. After we already could gain a few very attractive speaker, including CloudCamp co-founder Reuven Cohen, we now open this year call for papers.

CfP: Until 10th October 2013

Who would like to submit a talk (Lightning Talk, 6 minutes) on the topic “Cloud First! – Is cloud the new normal?” has the opportunity until the 10th of October 2013. Please use the form below.


  • Lightning Talk, 6 minutes
  • No advertising
  • No sales presentation
  • Experiences and visions
  • Language: English

Confirmed speakers

  • Reuven Cohen, Chief Cloud Advocate Citrix, Co-Founder CloudCamp (@ruv)
  • Chris Boos, CEO arago AG (@boosc)
  • René Buest, Analyst New Age Disruption, Analyst GigaOM Research (@renebuest)
  • Mark Masterson, Troublemaker CSC Financial Services EMEA (@mastermark)
  • Hendrik Andreas Reese, TÜV Rheinland i-sec GmbH
  • Moderation: Roland Judas, Technical Evangelist arago AG (@rolandjudas)

Additional information on CloudCamp Frankfurt 2013 can be found under and

Who don’t want do speak but participate as an attendee can register for free under Hint: CloudCamp participants can also attend SNW Europe for free.

“Cloud First! – Is cloud the new normal?”