Die Dissertation “Scalable Cluster Technologies for Mission-Critical Enterprise Computing” von Dr. Werner Vogels gehört zu den grundlegenden Forschungsarbeiten des Cloud Computing. Ein Blick auf die Infrastruktur von Amazon zeigt, wer der aktuelle CTO und für den Aufbau der hochskalierbaren Infrastruktur sowie die Cloud Angebote verantwortlich ist – Werner Vogels.
Die Arbeit beschreibt Einsatzmöglichkeiten von hochskalierbaren Cluster-Technologien für den unternehmenskritischen Bereich.
Auch einer der Doktorväter der Arbeit sollte genannt werden und wird dem einen oder anderen bekannt sein – Prof.Dr. A.S. Tanenbaum.
Ein kurzer Auszug:
Enterprise computing has changed significantly in the past decade. In the past, the workloads at corporate datacenters were dominated by centralized processing using a limited number of big database servers, mainly handling online transaction processing (OLTP) and batch processing tasks in support of the back-office process. The organization of these datacenters has evolved from mainframe-oriented into a large collection of flexible application servers providing a very diverse set of services. These services still include the traditional order processing and inventory control, but now also provide internal and external information portals, continuous data-mining operations, pervasive integration of customer relationship management information, email and other collaboration services, and a variety of computational services such as financial forecasting.
An important observation is that these services have become essential to the successful operation of the enterprise, and that any service interruption, either through failure or through performance degradation, could bring the activities of the enterprise to a halt. The mission-critical nature of these services requires them to be scalable, highly-available, and with robust performance guarantees. Organizing these services into compute clusters appeared a logical step as cluster technology held the promise of cost-effective scalability and was considered to be a good basis for implementing a highly-available service organization.
Die Dissertation wurde an der Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam geschrieben und kann HIER direkt heruntergeladen werden.